Ego of Social Media

We all want to be liked. Who doesnt? But I just read in Tao Te Ching that seeking approval is the ego’s way of saying hey I’m here. Like me please. Facebook has its way of making us so happy because of many likes. It’s ego. But what if one day it disappear? Things go wrong and your followers seems to not like you anymore? Are you going to be so frustrated, you don’t know how to live your life anymore? I don’t want to burst your bubble but there’s many things ahead of you that may not go the way you want them to. But always trust that there is balance. If there is bad fortune, there will always be good ones. What I want to really say is things will go bad and you may not maintain your followers. But I trust that you know whats best for yourself. I went on a different isolated road. But well, thats just me. I may not always have the hundred likes that you have, but at least I dont have to maintain anything. I’m living the Tao life and I want peace of mind.