New Page

I made a new page here in my blog. It’s Books and I can’t seem to find a way how to put it in my menu tab. I made it so I’ll be inspired to make my own self-help books. Please read if you have time and make edit suggestions so I’ll be able to correct my mistakes.

Question of the Day: “How do I stay grounded?”

The Wandering Empath

The act of grounding your energies and staying in vibrational alignment is an important function. Grounding can happen in a number of ways. Generally, I practice one or more of these methods weekly, but during these trying times, I find that I must up my vibrational game, so I ask myself (as well as some of my spiritual teachers), “How do I stay grounded?”

Meditation: This is my number one go to. You do not need to be an avid meditator to feel more grounded in a matter of minutes. Find a quiet spot away from others and close your eyes. Sit comfortably and breathe deeply. Do this for a even a few minutes a day and the sense of calm you feel will stay with you during the day.

Gratitude Journal: Research shows that people who spent only a few minutes every morning writing down or even just saying…

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God’s Promises

Staying afloat. Where you just exist and nothing happens. It’s like your dreams are so far away. And you just have to wait until it does happen. The waiting is agonizing. It’s killing you and you get depressed. You are not the only one who feels that way. This happens to me a lot of times. Been unemployed for a year and a half. Got a job for three months then back to being unemployed. Then waiting again to get to work. I mean who would want a life like that. This cycle of life is getting annoying and I just gave up once. But then gratitude made me get through the tough times. Everytime I feel alone, I know that God is there, planning my life for me and I just have to wait and give my best when the opportunity comes. I learned that life is hard but I have to make it through the hard times because it makes me a strong person. Being uncomfortable is a sign that I’m doing it right. And no one is an exemption from pain. Everyone goes through the hard times. So don’t think that you’re alone in your struggles. Everyone has a struggle of their own. Everyone is unscathed in this life. No one is an exemption. The only reason why others still feel joy through the pain because they have faith. And faith gives you hope. And hope is the only thing that keeps you going and that alone is bigger than anything. The promise of God never fails and is true. So I hold on to his promise. And this is His promise; more victory than defeat, more joy than sadness, more hope than despair, more new-beginning days.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

I have been crying, praying, battling my depression. And God gave me hope for every cries, every pain. Sometimes I thought why endure the pain? Why not kill myself at once and let it all end? It’s because God has a bigger plan for me. And I believe in Him. I don’t understand Him because His ways are bigger than mine. I just know in my heart He is there for me.
“Look at the birds of the air. They do not sow or reap or gather into barns and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” Matthew 6:26
“And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” Matthew 10:30
God is there to help no matter what it is. Just reach out. He loves you even if you’re a sinner. He loves you no matter what. He loves unconditionally. And that is why I held on despite the pain of depression because His promises are the only thing that keeps me going.

New Dreams

It’s a new year and I started to look for work. I have an interview this coming Tuesday. I hope I can stay in this job for a long time because I want to save money for future purposes. Honestly, I want to save money for my future house in America and I’m excited. I want a really nice house with a backyard where we can run together and plant something outside the house. My partner is very hard working and I know she can get me a nice house but I would love to help her. So I really need this job, and I hope this will be the answer to my prayers. Wish me luck!


My suicidal attempt rooted from my stubborn attitude that believes I have to control everything. The world doesn’t work that way. You have to trust and let go and just believe that everything will work out. And it does. So far, my worries and anxieties before didn’t happen. And everything worked out just fine. So why attempt to control everything when the universe has its way of making things happen. Just go with the flow and relax.