
My psychologist asks me to rise early in the morning 6am and went for a jog and expose myself to the sun for twenty minutes. He also told me to eat breakfast properly and eat boiled egg, salmon, and citrus fruit. I really have to eat in the morning which I don’t usually do. Have a gratitude journal everyday and reflect on it every night before going to sleep. I have to do this for over two weeks and update him and have an online session again after three weeks. Good luck with this.

I asked for help

I asked for help of my college classmate before because she’s also suffering from depression. She refers me to a psychologist she knows and we will have an online session today. I hope everything will go smoothly. I am really looking forward to be helped because I still experience depression from time to time and I can’t go to work because the negativity in my head won’t let me. I still need help and new information. Everything in life is a challenge and I have to learn my challenge.